HiMAX6 Solar Panel
As the global solar industry strives towards grid parity, the transition to larger wafer sizes, specifically from 156.78mm to 210mm, has sparked significant debate. Leading module and cell manufacturers, including JinkoSolar, JA Solar, Trina Solar, and Longi Solar, have proactively adapted their production lines to accommodate 210mm wafers. This shift is driven by the potential for larger wafers to enhance solar panel efficiency and power output, ultimately reducing the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). Sunpal's PERC 640-660W 210mm 132-cell Half-Cut Mono Solar Panel exemplifies this trend, utilizing advanced technologies like half-cut cells and multi-busbar (MBB) design to achieve an impressive efficiency of up to 21.4%. Such high-performance PERC solar panels enable businesses and utilities to maximize energy generation and accelerate the transition towards a more affordable and sustainable energy future.
Half-cut Cell Technology
Solar PV modules based on 210mm cells produce the best levelised cost of energy (LCOE) and deliver improved balance of system (BOS) costs, according to an evaluation conducted by independent advisory DNV GL.
HiMAX6 solar panel meet certifications:
IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730
ISO 9001:2008: ISO Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004: ISO Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety
HiMAX6 solar panel featureas:
- Positive power tolerance (0~+5W) guaranteed High module conversion efficiency (up to 21.25%)
- Slower power degradation enabled by Low LID Mono PERC technology: first year <2%, 0.55% year 2-25
- Solid PID resistance ensured by solar cell process optimization and careful module BOM selection
- Reduced resistive loss with lower operating current
- Higher energy yield with lower operating temperature
- Reduced hot spot risk with optimized electrical design and lower operating current