GEL batteries have many advantages over conventional liquid acid batteries. Not only are they sealed,there is no fluid electrolyte to leak out of the battery and no need to check fluid levels. They can also be easily installed in hard to reach locations upside down, right side up or sideways since they are sealed and maintenance free. The gelled construction also eliminates vibration to the batteries internal lead plates, decreasing the chances of internal damages that could lead to battery end of life.

This high quality Gel battery can be used for alarm systems, emergency lighting devices, firefighting equipment, electric wheelchairs, standby and uninterrupted power supply, telephone switching systems, telecommunications systems, solar and wind power systems and many more devices.The non-conductive ABS plastic battery case protects the battery againts shocks, vibrations, chemicals, heat and other weather related issues. This battery is very easy to install and requires no maintenance.
12V 100AH solar battery meet certifications:
IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730
ISO 9001:2008: ISO Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004: ISO Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety