Sunpal is an manufacturing supplier specializing in battery and production in China, established in 1998. We can provide a variety of high-quality, deep-cycle batteries. The price of Sunpal lead-acid rechargeable battery is slightly higher than that of disposable batteries, but the overall cost and environmental impact are much lower. It can be charged many times before it needs to be replaced. It is more likely that the battery will be replaced, because it is more environmentally friendly, so it is chosen by more regions and countries. Certain types of rechargeable batteries have the same size and voltage as disposable types and can be used interchangeably with them. It is currently very popular in the market.
Absorbent glass mat (AGM) technology can provide excellent performance.
The thick plate design and effective gas reorganization can achieve a design life of 10 years in standby mode.
Excellent high-rate discharge characteristics to ensure reliable performance in UPS and telecommunications applications.
Mature VRLA technology can ensure safe operation without maintenance, and the transportation status is unrestricted items;.
The use of lead-calcium alloy grid and high-purity lead has excellent shelf life characteristics and can extend storage time.
Advanced manufacturing and process control combined with meticulous quality assurance procedures ensure consistent and reliable performance.
Sturdy plastic shell and cover, flame retardant grade reaches UL94 V-O.
Approved for air transportation. D.O.T., I.A.T.A. And F.A.A. certification.

2v 800ah battery meet certifications:
IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730
ISO 9001:2008: ISO Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004: ISO Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety