Sunpal BiMAX6 Solar Panel
Sunpal commercial dual glass mono solar panel range from 484-505 watts with higher efficiency, lower installation costs as well as lower electricity pricing. The double-layer tempered glass structure enhances the crack resistance of the PV panels, and the 30-year linear power warranty is provided. 0.5% annual decay rate and 25% higher lifetime power generation than traditional models.
Third-cut Solar Cell
The large size solar cell layout is of 1/3-cut cells (standard cells cut into three), placed in a 5*30 cell layout (five columns wide, 30 rows deep) using 210 mm silicon solar cell wafers. Cutting cells reduces the current through each cell and therefore, the losses due to the series resistances in ribbons are decreased. Since the series resistance losses are related to the square of the current,cutting the cells in three parts reduces the losses nine times respectively. Typically the series resistance losses in module level are 8W. With one-third cells 7W can be saved in a module.
BiMAX6 solar panel meet certifications:
IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730
ISO 9001:2008: ISO Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004: ISO Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety
BiMAX6 solar panel featureas:
- Positive power tolerance (0~+5W) guaranteed High module conversion efficiency (up to 21%)
- Slower power degradation enabled by Low LID Mono PERC technology: first year <2%, 0.55% year 2-25
- Solid PID resistance ensured by solar cell process optimization and careful module BOM selection
- Reduced resistive loss with lower operating current
- Higher energy yield with lower operating temperature
- Reduced hot spot risk with optimized electrical design and lower operating current